Muscle Relaxant Injection Treatments

Salamanca Dental offers muscle relaxant treatments to our patients.
These treatments aid to the revitalisation and rejuvenation of associated structures such as lips, skin and muscles of facial expression.

What forms of muscle relaxant treatments do we offer?

At Salamanca Dental we administer muscle relaxant injections, which act to soften muscles head and neck region. This treatment helps to prevent overuse of facial muscles reducing facial tension, muscle hyper-tone and headaches. Results become noticeable after 14 days. Muscle relaxant treatments are useful adjuncts to TMJ and other jaw clenching and teeth grinding treatments provided by dentists. We treat our patients from a comprehensive standpoint which may include injecting muscle relaxant into muscles of the head and neck region to reduce behavioural jaw clenching and grinding habits. Effects may last 3 to 4 months before re treatment is necessary.